School Based Mental Health


What is School Based Mental Health Services?

The American Academy of Pediatrics has declared children’s mental health a national emergency.

SCYAP is responding to the national and state call to mitigate the child and adolescent mental health crisis and improve access to school-based mental health services (SBMHS) by adding SBMHS to its array of community-based services.

SCYAP has offices in Beaufort, Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, and Myrtle Beach. It also has mental health clinics in Charleston and Columbia. Given its statewide reach and regionalized structure, SCYAP is well-positioned to help meet the need for SBMHS across the State. Moreover, SCYAP’s family services and in- home therapy program can help maintain necessary mental health supports for students when schools are not in session.

SBMHS Services

Diagnostic Assessments

Individual Psychotherapy

Family Psychotherapy

Group Psychotherapy

Crisis Management

Service Plan Development

How to Learn More

Dana C. Abbott, JD, MAT
Director of School-Based Mental Health Services

140 Stoneridge Drive, Suite 140
Columbia SC 29210
Phone: (803)779-5500, ext. 282